Appointment to the Kansas Interagency Coordinating Council

​When positions are open on the Kansas ICC, notification is sent to stakeholders across the state. Individuals can self-nominate or be nominated by others. Membership on the Kansas ICC is determined by one of several processes.
  1. The Governor makes most of the appointments for a four-year term. He/She fills open positions in one of several categories: parent members, provider members, and general public members.
  2. Legislative leadership decides who will fill the two legislative positions. These two-year terms are generally formalized by the Legislative Coordinating Council.
  3. State Agency heads determine whether they will serve or who will serve as their designees. These agencies include: the Kansas State Department of Education, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation, the Kansas Health Policy Authority, the Kansas Insurance Department, and the Kansas Board of Regents.
If you would like additional information, contact the ICC Staff or ​call 785-296-3953.



Revised 1/2/2025

Parent Members

Parent Member
Courtney Hochman

Term ending 7/31/2027, Manhattan, KS

Parent Member

Open Position

Provider and Public Members

Erin Schuweiler

Term Ending 7/31/25
​Olathe, Kansas

Ann Elliott

Term Ending 7/31/24
Pittsburg, Kansas

Susan Bowles

Term Ending 7/31/27
Stockton, Kansas

Hilary Crist

Term Ending 7/31/27
Ottawa, Kansas

Monica Ross

Term Ending 7/31/26
​Overland Park, Kansas

Diana Martinez

Representing Head Start/Early Head Start

Katherine Kersenbrock-Ostmeyer

Term Ending 7/31/28
, Kansas

Marites Altuna

Term Ending 7/31/27
Kansas City, Kansas

Ex-Officio Members (Non-Voting)

Kim Kennedy

Head Start
Topeka, Kansas

Lesli Girard

Families Together

Jennifer King

Special Education Advisory Council Liaison

Legislative Members/Office of the Governor

Melissa Rooker

Governor's Representative
(Kansas Children's Cabinet)
Designee: Christie Wyckoff

Susan Ruiz (D)

State Representative
Johnson County

Renee Erickson (R)

State Senator

State Agency Members

Dr. Randy Watson

(619 Coordinator)
Representing Department of Education

Dr. Blake Flanders

President & CEO, Board of Regents
Designee: Dr. Bronwyn Fees
Representing Board of Regents

Janet Stanek

Designee: Tricia Waggoner
(Part C Coordinator)
Representing Department of Health and Environment

Laura Howard

Designee: Rebecca Bell
Representing Kansas Department for Aging and Disabilities

Laura Howard

Designee: Nichelle Adams
Representing Department for Children and Families

Sydney Dringman

Foster Care Representative Department for
Children and Families

Vicki Schmidt

Designee:  Lisa Collette
Representing Insurance Commission

Chanda Gross

Health Care Finance Representative for Kansas Department for Health and Environment


Stacy Clarke

Kansas Interagency Coordinating Council for
Early Childhood Developmental Services
(785) 296-3953

Members Needed:

Parent Members
(of infants, toddlers, or children with disabilities aged 12 years or younger, with knowledge of, or experience with, programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities)
  1. ​To apply, please visit the Governor’s Office of​ Appointments page at:
  2. Select the “fill out application” link
  3. Fill out the application. When asked which board or commission to join, list either “State Interagency Coordinating Council” or Coordinating Council on Early Childhood Developmental Services”
  4. Once the application is complete, please let SICC staff know and they will contact the Office of Appointments. The Appointments Office will confirm if they have received the application. 
  5. A staff person from the Office of Appointments will reach out to you and schedule a brief and informal 5-10 minute phone call. This is just to get a little more knowledge of your background and interest in the SICC. 
  6. Once approved, they will inform both the applicant and SICC staff person that the process is complete and that the applicant has been officially placed on the Council. 

​We have had several members of the SICC complete this process over the last couple years, and they have volunteered to discuss these steps with anyone that would like more information on the entire process. If you have ​any additional questions, or know of anyone that might be interested and/or a good fit, please feel free to contact me via email at or by phone (785)-296-3953.